Number 1 on the top 5 returns in the WWE in the 2010’s era is the Rock’s return in 2011 right before WM27.
The Rock’s return was legendary, it was unexpected, it was super entertaining, and it setup the future for more greatness. At the time, there was an announced host to WM27, and most fans had resigned themselves to the reality that it was more than likely going to be Justin Beiber (due to previous experiences with Snooki and the like). It was a time when WWE wasn’t particularly entertaining, the main event was Miz vs. Cena, so it was very likely not going to be a good match or even a good feud (not WrestleMania main event level at the very least), and to top it all of, we were expecting Justin Beiber as the host to WM. It was a dark time.
But one man changed that, one man’s return that electrified the crowd, one man’s return that fans thought we would never see, and that one man was the Rock. Rock returned in rare form, still killing it on the mic, cutting a promo that made fans reminisce about the Attitude Era that he helped make famous. Rock didn’t hold his tongue and held back no blows as he went right into dissing John Cena, the current face of the company who had choice words for Rock on him leaving the WWE for a career in Hollywood.
Rock’s promo was funny, it was heartfelt, it was great in all ways, and it had already brightened the look of the WWE going into WM27.
Rock continued his involvement, hosting WM27, interacting with the wrestlers, with the crowd, and generally saving what was looking like the worst and most boring WrestleMania of all time. And then he planted the seed for a great feud that would be remembered forever.
During the Miz/Cena match, in the main event of WrestleMania, both Cena and Miz had been counted out, giving Miz the ‘win’ by retaining his title via a draw. Being the host of said event, Rock stormed out, overrode the authority figure at the time, and restarted the match…..only to hit Cena with a Rock Bottom and cost him his title opportunity. This was in retaliation to Cena attacking the Rock weeks before with his own finisher, except Rock’s had way more impact.
This one action set up the main event for the next WrestleMania, WM28, where it was Rock vs. Cena: Once in a Lifetime. Again Rock returned, despite his success in Hollywood, and again he killed it on the mic, cutting promos that were funny, heartfelt, and that cut down Cena with quick wit.
This time though, Rock was actually building up to a match, his match with Cena in the main event of WrestleMania.
The build to the event was good, not great, but many fans had a gut feeling of disappointment as they absolutely knew Rock was going to be fed to Cena. In the meantime, Rock had a great return at Survivor Series that year (though it was somewhat wasted on R-Truth and the Miz of all people), and the fans let him know that “he still had it”.
When it came time for the match, the atmosphere was electric, Cena was booed out of the building (of course, it was in Miami, Rock’s hometown, and Cena doesn’t get a favorable response at WrestleMania too often anyways), and it just felt like a big match, one that would be referenced throughout the ages. And it was.
The match was good, with Cena playing the dominant powerhouse role (which I admit was kinda weird since I’m not even sure Cena is stronger than Rock), and Rock playing the babyface in peril. At the end of the match, it was all set up for Cena to win, he had the Rock down and was even looking to finish him off with his own finisher: the People’s Elbow (albeit a half-assed mocking version). Suddenly Rock jumped up, hit Cena with the Rock Bottom and pinned him 1, 2, 3.
The crowd went wild, fans were stunned with glee, and a 5 star match (in my opinion) had just finished.
Of course this wasn’t the end, as Rock and Cena had a rematch (disappointingly as it was billed as Once in a Lifetime), where Cena would pickup the victory next year. That match suffered due to predictability, but still Rock’s return was great.
Also during the second year, the build to WM29, Rock had great interactions with CM Punk (then WWE champion for over 400+ days), and the Shield (an up and coming group who were dominating the WWE), and even became the WWE Champion (replacing the spinner belt with the new design).
So overall Rock’s return was historic, it was unexpected, it saved at least 2, if not 3 WrestleMania’s (especially for Vince McMahon’s pockets), and it was simply electrifying.
The People’s Champ had returned to save the People.
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